Monday, February 1, 2010

Anticipating Rejuvenation

After an abysmal eternity, I sit here once again in front of this blank white screen, which’s beckoning me to pour my heart out with those perpetual thoughts which keep rambling on in my mind everyday. But it seems my effort is not sincere or maybe because it has been almost a year since I’ve written something, that even words have become furious with me for not using them often. They’re just not willing to propel my imagination anymore with their incessant force which always used to prevail over everything else before. And even as I’m writing this, there’re interruptions cropping up, which are demanding my immediate attention.
I wish I’d innumerable time at my disposal, so that I could pursue my passion more diligently. I also do hope that I can get the capacity to handle and overcome these other more pressing matters swiftly, and if I’m able to prioritize everything efficiently, then I’m certain that those broken thoughts in my mind will definitely convert into smoothly-flowing ideas and then this blank page will never be empty again.
With that, I’ll sign off for now. But be assured that I’ll be back soon, because the pleasure I get in this, truly cannot be replaced by anything else.

PS- This post has been inspired by: